Past Life in Turkey! Pt. 2

Istanbul, the ancient Constantinople, is at once a magical place and a dark, shadowy, place. As most ancient cities go, its history is filled with human strife and suffering—and clearly evil and vile acts upon humanity by power hungry, fear-filled, leaders. Istanbul is no exception. But it is also magical, with its grand human achievement [...]

The Power of Prayer

This is a huge topic and I will only touch on it here. What is truly exciting about it is that even scientific studies have shown prayer to be effective. I say “even scientific studies” because I am not a real fan of trying to prove the existence of God, or of soul, or spirit, [...]

Spiritual Bypass

The other day I began research on a new book I am writing tentatively titled “Divine Mediocrity: Being Happy With the Life You’ve Got.” I was intrigued by an Internet article I read about spiritual bypass, and had contrasted that reading experience with a recent re-look at the infamous little film “The Secret.” I was a [...]

Moses and Khidr

History has taught us that the Biblical Moses was a very wise man. Few of us, however, may be familiar with another wise fellow named Khidr. Moses met Khidr very long ago and asked to be a student of this venerable master. Khidr agreed and the two of them set out on a journey of sorts [...]

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