Sacred Science and Psychotherapy

Last year Routledge press, an imprint of Francis & Taylor, published my first book: “Ancient Egypt and Modern Psychotherapy: Sacred Science and the Search for Soul.” Keep reading. I promise not to get too academic. That being said, I must admit it IS an academic book. It is actually a “more suitable for most readers” [...]

Therapy Dogs

Think of all the ways that dogs live as part of our lives. Our first thought might be the various dogs we have had as pets, or the dogs that family and friends have had with whom we have interacted. Then there are working dogs. These can be guard dogs, farm dogs who herd livestock [...]

Past Life in Turkey! Pt. 2

Istanbul, the ancient Constantinople, is at once a magical place and a dark, shadowy, place. As most ancient cities go, its history is filled with human strife and suffering—and clearly evil and vile acts upon humanity by power hungry, fear-filled, leaders. Istanbul is no exception. But it is also magical, with its grand human achievement [...]

The Power of Prayer

This is a huge topic and I will only touch on it here. What is truly exciting about it is that even scientific studies have shown prayer to be effective. I say “even scientific studies” because I am not a real fan of trying to prove the existence of God, or of soul, or spirit, [...]

“There are more things in heaven and earth…”

I am curious. What do you think of this video? Mind you, it IS an advertisement for this fellow's new book, so bear that in mind. But what do you  think of what he is basically saying here? I have an awful lot to say about this, and in upcoming posts I will. Take the crop [...]

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