For Men

The King, the Warrior, the Magician and the Lover!

Which of these four male archetypes is your life being controlled by at the moment?

Men and women are certainly equal when it comes to the manner in which our culture, society, and government relate to us. All should essentially be the same in the eyes of the law and in the way we are treated, as well as paid, in the workplace. But in the deep recesses of the psyche we are all unique, and there is much variety amongst us regarding our desires, personality, and behaviours. We are all made up of many archetypes, a term the eminent Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung used to describe certain templates of behaviour we all have access to. Some are termed “feminine” archetypes, and others “masculine” archetypes. On this page I am speaking primarily of the masculine archetypes. Although there are a variety of sexual orientations, many of the archetypes are shared by all humans regardless of gender; some archetypes have more influence on a person depending on their sexual, and psychical, orientation.

Four of the primary “masculine” archetypes are the king, the warrior, the magician, and the lover. Of course there are many others, but some believe that these four can be seen as a primary influence on most male behaviour—to varying degrees.

One approach to working with men in psychotherapy is to focus on these archetypes and how they are guiding and coloring a person’s behaviour—good behaviour and bad behaviour. Very often their influence, most notably the negative influence, is buried in the unconscious and has to be coaxed out of its hiding place before any positive change can be seen in a person’s relationship to their life.

What is driving your life at the moment? Is it a frustration with work, with your relationship, or with a general malaise regarding a sense of hopelessness, seemingly unreachable success goals, and a loss of verve and excitement about living? Are you having issues with substances such as alcohol or marijuana? Are you longing for an exciting and life affirming relationship? Or are you simply depressed and anxious to a point where you simply don’t relish the thought of trudging through another day?

Engaging in this sort of archetypal work is not as strange and foreign as it may sound. If a person thinks about it, it is relatively easy to see how certain behaviours, perspectives and desires can be attributed to these four basic systems and their accompanying dark sides. What in you, and what you do, seems “king-like” . . . and what feels like the warrior in you that may be activated? How about your lover archetype? And then plunge into deep thought and inner contemplation from a spiritual perspective and explore your magician archetype.

Although there are a lot of different ways to approach psychotherapy, this can be a very interesting and exciting methodology to try out. In my practice I use a variety of methods, insights, and systems. The archetypal way is only one. Make an appointment to see what approach may suit you the best.

Jordan Peterson on Men

Jordan Peterson again speaking about men, the meaning of life, agreeable vs disagreeable people…very interesting for any man, or woman who are dealing with a troubled man (or boy!)

What Women Don’t Understand About Men

Check out this video by Jordan Peterson. It is an interesting depth psychological perspective regarding the relationship between men and women using myth and fairytale. Send me an email and tell me what you think of it! I would be very interested to know.

The New Male Archetypes

Another interesting article that may be somewhat controversial because it is from an extreme position of the current “men’s situation.” Again, let me know what you think. I am not necessarily in 100% agreement with these views, but definitely do see some of it to be pertinent in the discussion of what I believe to be a very serious problem.