The Archetypal Romance

Those of you who have had a therapy session with me are probably quite familiar with the term “archetype.” Very briefly, an archetype is a pattern of behavior, or more accurately, a pattern of “being” much like an instinct. According to the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, the archetypes have formed over eons of human existence [...]

Take Action!

The first kingdom in the Four Kingdoms of Consciousness is “victim consciousness” which I discussed briefly in last month’s newsletter. This month, I will explain a bit about the next kingdom—the kingdom of “Solo Creation." This is the Kingdom of Consciousness that most people work throughout their lifetime to immerse themselves. Most self-help books and [...]

By |2020-09-29T14:18:25-04:00September 28th, 2020|Categories: Everyday Wisdom, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Self Help, Spiritual|0 Comments

Victim Consciousness

We have probably all heard at one time or another the admonition, “oh, quit being such a victim.” Usually this carries with it a sense of shame, like we are slipping into some infantile and very unbecoming behavior. “Being” a victim very often is a reality brought upon us by unseen forces, such as getting [...]

The New Normal

How often have you heard this phrase in the past couple of months? “The New Normal.” What does that mean? It seems to mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I have heard it to define a new spiritual awakening, where the world population wakes up to a new awareness [...]

By |2020-07-04T12:07:38-04:00May 11th, 2020|Categories: Anxiety, Humanistic, Love, Medicine, Spiritual|4 Comments

Sacred Science and Psychotherapy

Last year Routledge press, an imprint of Francis & Taylor, published my first book: “Ancient Egypt and Modern Psychotherapy: Sacred Science and the Search for Soul.” Keep reading. I promise not to get too academic. That being said, I must admit it IS an academic book. It is actually a “more suitable for most readers” [...]

Therapy Dogs

Think of all the ways that dogs live as part of our lives. Our first thought might be the various dogs we have had as pets, or the dogs that family and friends have had with whom we have interacted. Then there are working dogs. These can be guard dogs, farm dogs who herd livestock [...]

Psychology in “Les Miserablés”

I just had the opportunity to see another stage production of Les Miserablés, I have seen it several times in the theatre, and of course have seen the movie, but this particular performance seemed to clarify for me the archetypal elements of the work. Maybe this came to me in a more obvious way having just [...]

Attaching to Results

Deepak Chopra, the world renown self-help guru, has been credited with this quote: “Attachment to results disturbs equanimity, introduces anxiety and thus increases chances of failure.” Oddly enough, Dr. Chopra presents this idea from a rather materialist perspective—meaning more scientific and rational, giving an objective reason (anxiety) why attachment to results may not yield a desired [...]

The Soul of Things

Things are getting a bad rep these days. There are countless articles floating around the Internet and in print publications extolling the virtues of letting go and throwing out nearly everything you may have acquired over your long, or even short, lifetime. In our highly materialist and pragmatic era it seems that anything that does [...]

By |2019-11-24T18:21:22-05:00February 25th, 2013|Categories: Creative, Creativity, Everyday Wisdom, Patience, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Self Help, Spiritual|2 Comments

Gun Advocacy and the Loss of Personal Control

As a psychotherapist I am trained to look below the surface for less than obvious motivations for human behavior. This tendency to dig deeper is typically triggered by what I see (usually seen as well by a large number of others) to be rather irrational behavior or beliefs. The dispute over gun control is one [...]

By |2018-02-22T09:38:52-05:00January 5th, 2013|Categories: Everyday Wisdom, Humanistic, Love, Patience, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual|3 Comments
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