The Archetypal Romance

Those of you who have had a therapy session with me are probably quite familiar with the term “archetype.” Very briefly, an archetype is a pattern of behavior, or more accurately, a pattern of “being” much like an instinct. According to the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, the archetypes have formed over eons of human existence [...]

Take Action!

The first kingdom in the Four Kingdoms of Consciousness is “victim consciousness” which I discussed briefly in last month’s newsletter. This month, I will explain a bit about the next kingdom—the kingdom of “Solo Creation." This is the Kingdom of Consciousness that most people work throughout their lifetime to immerse themselves. Most self-help books and [...]

By |2020-09-29T14:18:25-04:00September 28th, 2020|Categories: Everyday Wisdom, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Self Help, Spiritual|0 Comments

Victim Consciousness

We have probably all heard at one time or another the admonition, “oh, quit being such a victim.” Usually this carries with it a sense of shame, like we are slipping into some infantile and very unbecoming behavior. “Being” a victim very often is a reality brought upon us by unseen forces, such as getting [...]

The Safe Psyche

What is a “safe psyche” …first of all, what is a “psyche”? Most definitions of psyche point to soul or spirit. This is because the origins of the word are Greek, and do indeed translate, in English, to “soul or spirit” (well, actually life, but a detailed definition would point to a description of soul.) [...]

By |2020-08-31T11:05:24-04:00August 31st, 2020|Categories: Love, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Relationship|0 Comments

A Merciless Contempt

This month I am going to talk a little bit about another one of John Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” contempt. Gottman says: “contempt is fueled by long-simmering negative thoughts about one’s partner, and it arises in the form of an attack on someone’s sense of self.” He goes on to say: “contempt as [...]

By |2020-07-28T16:20:40-04:00July 28th, 2020|Categories: Love, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Relationship|0 Comments

A Criticism of Criticizing

Although it may seem like a fantasy, criticizing your partner in just about any context, weakens an intimate bond that is essential to a healthy relationship. This, like nearly every axiom or “hard as stone” dictum, has important exceptions. First, let me define “criticize” from the context of this article. Few people will balk at [...]

By |2020-07-03T18:05:33-04:00July 2nd, 2020|Categories: Love, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Relationship|6 Comments

Resolutions or Regrets?

Right before the new year came upon us, a friend of mine proclaimed he was making no New Year’s resolutions. He had decided that over the years he seldom kept any of them up for any decent amount of time therefore there wasn’t much point making them.

Empathy in Relationship

There is a lot of confusion these days regarding the meaning of the word empathy and how empathy can be demonstrated in a relationship. Oftentimes we hear of a comparison between empathy and sympathy, which regards the latter as a less heartfelt response to a situation or to a partner’s feelings. I am not quite [...]

By |2017-08-13T10:50:31-04:00November 6th, 2014|Categories: Everyday Wisdom, Humanistic, Love, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Relationship, Self Help|2 Comments

The Complexity of Complexes

I often refer to the complex as “the troll beneath the bridge”—an unsightly, and generally unwelcome, force that lies in waiting, ready to decree its unpleasant influence at the slightest provocation. Just walking across the bridge may be enough to wake it from its sleep deep in our unconscious and pounce upon us with all its force.

Therapy Dogs

Think of all the ways that dogs live as part of our lives. Our first thought might be the various dogs we have had as pets, or the dogs that family and friends have had with whom we have interacted. Then there are working dogs. These can be guard dogs, farm dogs who herd livestock [...]

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