Psychology in “Les Miserablés”

I just had the opportunity to see another stage production of Les Miserablés, I have seen it several times in the theatre, and of course have seen the movie, but this particular performance seemed to clarify for me the archetypal elements of the work. Maybe this came to me in a more obvious way having just [...]

The Soul of Things

Things are getting a bad rep these days. There are countless articles floating around the Internet and in print publications extolling the virtues of letting go and throwing out nearly everything you may have acquired over your long, or even short, lifetime. In our highly materialist and pragmatic era it seems that anything that does [...]

By |2019-11-24T18:21:22-05:00February 25th, 2013|Categories: Creative, Creativity, Everyday Wisdom, Patience, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Self Help, Spiritual|2 Comments

The Return of Christmas

I love Christmas. Everyone has his or her own memories of Christmas as a child, and I am no exception. Christmas in our house was incredibly special. My mother was dubbed early on by my family the “Queen of Christmas.” She would decorate the house with greens, holly, and a huge variety of glass ornaments she [...]

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